Sunday, March 28, 2004

Lourdes says hi.

Well, she didn't say it, but I'm sure that she would if she could. I was sitting here holding her and didn't know what to write and she was intently looking at the screen so I interpretted that to mean she wanted to say hi to everyone.

This weekend was a full plate. Friday night we went to see The Ladykillers at the new Rave Motion Pictures cinema. The capacity for the movie was 442. I had Pibb Xtra and SnoCaps. We enjoyed the movie thoroughly and Lourdes slept through the whole show. She's such a good baby.

Saturday we got a late start but we went south for the day. We first stopped to visit my Grandma and to introduce her to her 45th great grandchild, but Grandma wasn't home. So we went to Kim and Randy's house to show off our little Lourdes. Katy was there with her little girl. Cammie is a couple months older than Lourdes but not a lot bigger, apparently she was pretty tiny when she was born. Poor thing is getting over a bit of a cold and seemed a little fussy, but not too bad.

From Kim's house, we tried to visit Dave and Marcia. They weren't home. We next tried my dad's house, but he wasn't home. So we went to the El Matador in Mt. Zion to eat and to show Lourdes to a Paraguayan lady who works there. Next we went to mom's house but she wasn't home, but that was ok because I wanted to work on her computer. It won't print, and I know it's not the printer. It's not the USB port, because other USB devices work. I think the operating system has gotten itself corrupted. After toiling with the computer for awhile, we went back to visit Dave and Marcia.

Today we went to see Secret Window. Again, Lourdes slept through the whole movie. Such a good baby. After the movie, we went to WalMart and bought, among other things, a vibrating bouncer for Lourdes. She seems to like it. I wish I had one big enough for me.

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