Sunday, June 25, 2006

Gravity: Not just a good idea; it's the law!

Lourdes likes to throw things in the air. Most times the things will go up a little ways and fall to the ground behind her. Sometimes the things fall in front of her. Occasionally, she gets hit in the head.

She has become a bit of a rock collector. We walked to the post office on Saturday and she tried to pick up several rocks because she thought they belonged to her. There were some really nice white rocks at the base of the flag pole at the post office that she really wanted but I wouldn't let her have them and she couldn't convince me, try as she might, that they belonged to her.

Tonight, she brought one of her rocks inside and started throwing it up in the air in the living room. I was in the kitchen bringing a dead PowerPC Mac back to life and Lourdes began crying. She apparently hit herself in the head with her rock. I know she's young, but I hope that teaches her to not throw rocks straight up, not to mention in the house.

I uploaded a few pics to Flickr.


Anonymous said...

Great shots, Dwayne! Lourdes is getting so big. It's weird, I'm sipping on a terere as I type this. Feel like riding the Sportster up north again? Now I know that trip up here was more than just a leisurely jaunt. Half-an-hour on the freeway at 70 to 80 MPH just to keep from getting squashed or blown over is taxing. I can imagine what four hours of that must have been like. That doesn't mean I'm not planning a long bike trip for sometime in the near future.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering how long baby Jesus was gonna hang out in your underwear.