Monday, October 09, 2006

Move over "Ask This Old House"

I had to work on the garage today. Last year I replaced the soffit and fascia on one side of the garage and put off doing the other side. Earlier this year, I had a roofing and siding company come in and replace the gutters on the house and garage. Well before they could do their thing, I needed to tear down the soffit and fascia. I was able to put up the fascia but ran out of time to put the soffit. Ideally one puts up the fascia and then the soffit and then guttering. So here I was with new fascia and guttering and totally lacking the soffit. I had to get creative to avoiding taking everything down and starting over. So I put up F-channel all around, cut a piece of soffit in half lengthwise, and slid the soffit into the F-channel. So much easier than the normal way and just as effective! I wish I had done this sooner, today would have been a beautiful day for a ride.


Anonymous said...

Nobody truly appreciates the minor miracles we perform on a regular basis in the name of house and home. I'm writing to honor your ingenuity, Dwayne. I'd buy you beer but it's too freakin' cold to ride down on my motorcycle.

Deb said...

Dwayne, send Greg an e-mail so we have your address and can tell you when we're traveling.