Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Seems like a nice enough bloke

Greg and Deb have become friends with Dan after he stumbled upon Greg's blog/webpage a while back. Dan started his own blog and quickly climbed Greg's Links page settling in at number 3 behind Greg's wife and Greg's brother. Somehow, I have managed to climb to and stay at number 4 despite the fact that I only post sporadically at best.
Please don't think I'm jealous of Dan. On the contrary, I've recently started following Dan's blog on a regular basis and have grown to appreciate his sense of humor (or is it humour?). Well, actually I guess I am jealous of the fact that he blogs so much more than I, but I do enjoy checking his blog. Anyway, good on ya, mate. Or is that Australian? I'm not too good with the words and making them come out correctly.
Deb has become a prolific poster. It seems that not a day goes by without something from her. Thanks Deb for keeping us updated on the family.
I've wanted to become a regular blogger but I just can't seem to muster the determination or the topics. By the time I get done reading all the regulars, I don't feel like writing anything. Or if I do feel like writing, it takes me forever to write a single paragraph. How long does it take you (whoever you are) to do your posts?
Weather - a pretty good winter storm hit last night and all day today. At work, they implemented liberal leave and finally early dismissal. The roads weren't too bad but far from pristine. I had no problems with my big 4X4 and I didn't see anyone stuck anywhere. While at work, it was hard to keep up with the falling and drifting snow. My coworkers ran the plows on our little utility vehicles and were running out of room to push the snow. I'm taking tomorrow off so hopefully everything will be clear when I go back on Thursday.
Rivermen - They haven't done very well recently. After losing several games, they won last Wednesday and Saturday, then lost in sudden death on Sunday. They still have lots of games left and have the potential to turn things around for a playoff run. Seems like if I post something positive about them, they lose, so if I post a lukewarm blurb, maybe they'll do better.
Fitness - Greg, my coworker, fell a little ill last week and I went on the trail by myself three times last week and once this week. It snowed last week and it felt like I was walking on a three-mile stretch of sand. I was wiped out at the end of the week. I'm not sure I will feel like walking in even deeper snow this Thursday. By the way the temperatures had been really low with negative wind chill but it didn't stop me.


Anonymous said...

I've been enjoying your comments on my blog Dwayne. i have started collecting a package of last of the summer wine tourist tat in order to drop off with Deb and Greg for you when we visit.

It takes me about three quarters of an hour per post on average, but I tend to do it during quiet times at work or when Kerry is watching something on TV that I don't want to see.

I think I've been going through a bit of a prolific spurt recently, but my muse has started to abandon me of late so it may well die off to less regular posting in the near future.

Deb said...

Despite the fact that we have two computers, it takes some effort to blog almost every day. Actually, I'm in a secret competition to keep up with Dan (and I'm losing bigtime!). It's not fair, I started this blog (or Greg started it for me) in July 2003 and Dan started in January 2006. Hmmmmmm.

I usually spend about 20-30 minutes coming up with something.

Anonymous said...


Five minutes. Tops. If you can't finish a post in that amount of time then you are retarded.

Dwayne said...

Your five minute rule explains some of your posts!! Maybe.