Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Back to work...

Today I went back to work. It was very different leaving home this morning. Raquel always sends me off with a kiss and tells me to hurry home. Today, Raquel and Lourdes sent me off with a kiss and told me to hurry home.

Time went by very slowly today. 9 a.m. felt like 11, and so on and so on. After work I was going to exercise. It's been since early December since I've worked out at all so I was going to ease in to it by going for a walk. I ran in to a guy who had a baby in February and we ended up talking about our babies and I didn't get any exercise.

I've chunked up over the last few months. I weighed in at 235 today and it's not a good 235. Since early December, I've come straight home from work and watched a lot of TV and played a lot of Playstation and eaten lots of sweets. I'm going to get back on track.

Last night I couldn't sleep. I went to bed at a reasonable time and fell asleep fine. Unfortunately at 10:20, Peanut stepped on my left testicle and woke me. It wasn't a pleasant way to be awakened that involved my genitals. For some reason I couldn't sleep after that. I tossed and turned for an hour, then I got up and read about math on the internet for about an hour and a half. I read about speed arithmetic. I might look at that a little closer. In no time, I'll be helping my girl with her homework.

Hopefully, I'll sleep better tonight. Watch where you step Peanut.

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