Sunday, July 25, 2004


So we've got an infant, two dogs, and  a cat.  What else could we need?

How about another dog?

Mom's dog Cindy had her second litter a couple months ago and we decided we wanted another dog, so now we have Pancho. Pancho is a long-haired blue speckled miniature dachshund and he's Peanut's half-brother. He's a cutie, maybe a picture to follow in another post.

I decided on the name Pancho because that is the word often used in South America (or at least in Paraguay and Chile) for hot dog.

1 comment:

Greg said...

THIS BLOG HAS BEEN ABANDONED. Do not touch it! It has been lying here for weeks and has probably started to decompose.

Put your nose up against your monitor.

Now sniff.

Smell that?

That can't be good.