Thursday, October 02, 2003

Four days in a row, this must be some sort of a blog record.

We went to the OB today. She (the OB) thinks the bleeding that Raquel has experienced is not too big of a deal, but is concerned none the less. We go back again in less than two weeks and will get another sonogram just to make sure everything is good. By the way, we are due on 3 March 2004.

After finishing with the OB appointment, we went to Steak 'N Shake for lunch, and then to the Driver License Facility to get new plates. When we got home, I was able to start the final stretch of fence. I got the last two holes dug and set the posts and concreted them. This last section is chain link, and I would have just driven them in with a fence post driver, but there were too many rocks to do that. I was also able to concrete the last couple of wooden fence posts, as we had run out of concrete the other day. I also concreted in the center part of the ten foot chain link gate. It's actually two five foot gates that have a latching post mechanism thingie between them. I concreted where the latching post mechanism goes into the ground. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to put the last bit of chain link up. Adam stopped by and help cut off the tops of all the posts. He's definitely a good friend to have as he knows how to do so much around the house, and he likes doing them as well. We will be doing some modifications in the house before the baby gets here. I'll post as those happen or start to happen.

Well I have to go put the new license plates on the truck and clean up to go meet friends for a late dinner. Bye.

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