Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Three days in a row.

I can't believe it, after almost a month of no posts, here's the third one in a row.

But now what to say?

Tomorrow we go to the OB again. Raquel has had a couple episodes of bleeding and the OB wants to find out what is going on. I'm going to take the rest of the day off and take care of some stuff, with emphasis on finishing the fence.

This past weekend we went to see The Rundown starring The Rock. Raquel and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Plenty of action and humor. What more could one ask for?
The weekend before, we saw Underworld. I liked that one as well. Plenty of action and Kate Beckinsale in leather. What more could one ask for?

I can't wait for Kill Bill Volume 1 to come out on October 10th.

I said I helped Adam put up our fence this weekend. He told me Monday that he had a dream that he was at my house working on the fence and we needed something so I went to the store to buy it. While I was gone, Raquel told him not to tell me but she could speak and understand english perfectly. He said he woke up immediately.

I'll probably post tomorrow with the results of the OB appointment.

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