Sunday, March 12, 2006

By popular demand

Here's my fearless circus performer. Sorry the picture is a little grainy, but we're still getting used to our new digital camera. Our previous little Kyocera died after almost a year and it was still under warranty. When Radio Shack couldn't fix it, they offered us a new Casio.

Lourdes turned two last Sunday. We waited until this weekend to celebrate since I had to work last weekend. She had a Blue's Clues cake and Chicken Little place settings (couldn't find Blue's Clues stuff at the last minute). She really enjoyed having "Happy Birthday" sung to her and blew out her candle like a big girl.

Mother Nature also turned on the "Terrible Two's" switch recently. Even so, she's not too bad...yet.


Deb said...


You actually updated. And with a picture yet.

I had given up all hope, and I clicked on the link to your blog while sliding the pointer up to close the window, anticipating the appearance of the bedamned "Winter Wonderland."

Welcome back to life, Dwayne.

And Happy Birthday, Lourdes! If we ever see you, we have your Christmas present!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dwayne,your still their amazes me you remembered how to work this dang puter after all this time. Lourdes is growing up fast, Take care, Pam