Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mario woes

So you know we've been playing New Super Mario Brothers on our Wii since Christmas. Lourdes' interest in playing has waned significantly and I'm not really sure why. Teddy on the other hand demands to play when Raquel and I play. I wouldn't mind letting him play except he's not even two and doesn't really know how to play yet. Oh sure he knows that you have to press buttons and shake the Wii-mote and he knows there's bubbles but he's not got mad skillz or good insight into the game or even good strategies. I wouldn't mind if he just arbitrarily moved around, jumped and bubbled but I do mind when he presses the pause button or the menu button. It just kind of throws off my game.

I guess if he keeps playing, we'll be one heck of a playing duo by the time he's three.

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