Monday, January 25, 2010

Greg is a pusher

One time Greg and I were in his BMW and we came across a guy struggling to push his stalled vehicle to a side rode. Greg and I dutifully got out and started pushing to help the gentleman out. It just so happened that the side road had a bit of an incline to it but it was no challenge to the three of us. The man thanked us and we got back into Greg's bimmer and were on our way. I remarked about how easy it was and that I barely had to push. Greg looked at me incredulously. Turns out I barely had to push because Greg was doing all the work!

Good times, good times! Another time we were going to the mall in Greg's bimmer to buy a wedding gift for a friend. On the way back from the mall, I had an unfortunate gas attack. Something so foul that even the deepest bowels of hell itself couldn't produce the equivalent eked out of my bottom. Greg almost had to pull over due to retching. I'm sure Greg can't tell the story without throwing up in his mouth a little.

Another time I had the pleasure of driving the bimmer. I think I needed to run home to get something and Greg was gracious enough to let me borrow it. On the way to my house, a squirrel darted right out in front of me and I had no time to react. There was the sickening thud of flesh and bone against steel. Yes, that squirrel committed suicide by bimmer.

I don't know why Greg ever got rid of that car.


Greg said...

I do miss that car. It was fast. It would do well more that 120 MPH but that was as fast as I went (and that's only because I had Ray Marley and his policeman's badge was along with me). I don't remember you killing something with my car, Dwayne. If I asked nicely, would you mind running over a few other "things" with my VW? I have a list.

P.S. I hope that Raquel is feeding you better because if you happened to cut loose on Lourdes and Teddy with whatever used to fester in your bowels I fear their small stature would mean certain death.

Dwayne said...

I haven't topped that one yet even though I've come close a few times. Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

I know I told you about the squirrel!