Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Scoring and fighting

We went to an NHL game in St. Louis last October. It rained all the way there and all the way home. There were five of us cramped in a little car that is only meant for four. The seats we had for that game were really high up, not horrible seats but you could see the horrible seats nearby. The Blues played an uninspired game that night and lost quite handily.

Yesterday was a different story. The weather, while not warm, was mild. There were only four people in the four-person car. The seats were really, really good (well except when the action was down on the far end). The Blues were on fire, scoring three goals in the first period. There were also four fights in the first period. Exciting. The Blues went on to win 4-1. We thoroughly enjoyed it! Now I'm looking forward to a Rivermen game on Saturday night.

I'm also looking forward to catching a movie this weekend. The Book of Eli will probably be on the top of the list. I've really enjoyed the last three movies I've seen. I went to see Avatar in 3D when it came out. I must say 3D is the way to go. That movie was visually stunning and the plot wasn't bad. I also saw Sherlock Holmes which I thought was quite good as well. Rounding out the trio was The Blind Side and I found it to be the feel good story of the year. So I'm hoping that whatever movie I get to see continues my little streak of enjoying movies.

1 comment:

frank said...

I took the grandkids Camie and Jaden to see Alvin and the Chipmunks The Squeakquel last Saturday. Total Cost $47.50