Sunday, January 03, 2010

Historic Antarctica plane remains 'found' by expedition

This is the title of a story on BBC News. The way I read this headline was more like "Historic Antarctica plane still  'found' by expedition". Kind of like Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead of SNL fame.

In general I'm a descent decent reader and righter writer, but sometimes I just reed read words wrong. So the story about the plane explains how some Australian conversationists have found the remains of a plane in Antarctica. I wondered what the heck were conversationists, only to find out the word was actually conservationsists.

Now get this, it just dawned on me that Antarctica is the continent around the South Pole. Again my attention to detail had me thinking of the North Pole and that these Australians sure are adventurous and were a long way from home.

1 comment:

Greg said...

Your first mistake was reading this in English. You speak more than one language - you should know you could have avoided this entire, "eats, shoots and leaves" conundrum if you would have read the same story from Agence France.