Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mario, WalMart, Taco Bell, and Eli

Today was a mostly relaxed day. Lourdes, bless her heart, has been going through her terrible twos for the past four years. She was sent to a five minute time-out that actually seemed to work for a change. I'm trying to get back to time-outs because yelling doesn't seem to work, just gets me madder, and is a bad influence/role model for the children. By the way her acting out was minor overall, but needed correction because it involved tossing things at her little brother.

Sometime after the time-out, we played some Mario on the Wii until it was time for Lourdes to take a bath so we could start getting ready to shop. While she bathed and Teddy napped, Raquel and I actually played on the Wii. Raquel had not played Mario Brothers on the Wii yet, but loves playing it on the Nintendo DS. She's probably going to addicted to it now.

We eventually got ourselves together and made it to WalMart for the weekly shopping. I wandered off to look at guy things while the rest of the family shopped. Turns out that Teddy was completely grouchy and as I went to look for them I could hear a kid/baby crying. I hoped it wasn't my offspring, but it was. I took Teddy for a walk in the store hoping it would blow off some steam but I think it only served to make him more determined to be cranky and not want to sit in the cart. I don't blame him, but it makes everyone on edge.

We made it out of there and hit the Taco Bell drive thru for supper. After getting home, unloading groceries, and eating, I took off for the movies to see The Book of Eli. I really enjoyed it and there was a big twist at the end - turns out he's an ALIEN!! Just kidding! There was a big twist at the end that I thought was clever. I'll leave it to you to either see the movie or find someone on the internet to reveal it for you. I'm wondering if there are plans for a sequel because they definitely set the very end for that option.

Okay, enough is enough - it's bedtime!


Greg said...

Good luck with the yelling thing. I've tried and failed miserably. Now it's ingrained; a reflex that leaves me feeling like the ogre I am everytime I scream at the girls for being too loud or something equally inconsequential. I'm going to Dad hell. I know it.

Dwayne said...

WWDD? What Would Dan Do?