I just don't understand our dogs.
If we go somewhere and lock them in the basement, they go to the bathroom down there (no big deal, it's unfinished but we'd prefer if they would wait til we get home).
If we partition off the house with a baby gate so they only have access to the kitchen and mudroom, they seem to be perfect angels and not make any kind of mess. Even after three plus hours.
If we let them have run of the house for, say, only 20 minutes, they pee at least twice each, poop a minimum of three times, and drag down something they shouldn't have (like a decorative pillow).
Last night, I took them out kind of early. Then Dover (the MinPin) woke up at about 11:30 and I knew he needed to go to the bathroom. I got up and he was already off the bed wanting to head out of the bedroom. The door was partially closed and before I could get my shorts, t-shirt, and shoes on, he managed to open the door and go into the dining room and start peeing. I grabbed him as quick as I could and got him outside to finish the job and cleaned up the mess.
About 5 a.m. this morning, both dogs kind of acted a little ancy so I took them both outside. Peanut (the MinDachshund) is a great little dog. If we are outside with him, he doesn't need a leash or chain. He usually goes pee within a minute and usually poops in about three to five. He followed this routine this morning and I put him back inside so he could eat, drink and go back to bed.
Dover's routine usually consists of waiting for Peanut to pee, then he pees. Lately it's been waiting for Peanut to pee then he sniffs that and pees over it. Then he chases bugs, eats anything that he can get his mouth around and generally avoids pooping. During the week this isn't so bad because after about five to ten minutes, I bring him back in and start getting ready for work. Raquel then keeps an eye out for signs of him needing to poop and takes him out.
Like I already mentioned, Peanut followed his normal routine this morning at 5 a.m. (which is almost an hour earlier than normal). Dover did his normal thing too, acting as if he wasn't going to poop. So inside we went. I puttered around in the kitchen for about two minutes, opening the back door window as it was so cool outside and turned on the fan. By the time I got into the dining room, I saw it.
There was a little bit of poop by the front door. Not really poop but closer to diarrhea. As I got closer I could see a trail of it leading into the living room. It was everywhere! It reminded me of a scene from Dumb and Dumberer, When Harry Met Lloyd. Actually two scenes from that movie. I spent the next half hour cleaning it up. It took almost a whole roll of paper towel, and a bunch of pet stain remover. Luckily I had just bought an eight-pack of Brawny. We need to buy some more carpet stain remover.
Raquel actually got up and helped with the cleanup. She's terrific. Most spouses would stay in bed and let the other one finish what they started.
That's been my morning so far. It looks beautiful outside. Maybe we'll get to ride the bike today.
We did go see League of Extraordinary Gentlemen last night. Raquel really enjoyed it, and I thought it was okay. I can't recommend it as a must see, but it wasn't bad.
Well that's it for now. I'm tempted to lay down for a minute.